• The immutable Linux experience

    I'm quite the distrohopper, or at least I have been for a while. These days I like to think I'm "cured" so to speak, but the itch to distrohop is surely going to come back and I'll likely find myself on Guix again, shortly before running into annoying issues and... [Read More]
  • Guix Tips and Common Mistakes

    I have spent some time in online spaces dedicated to the discussion of Guix. As such, I am familiar with a lot of the mistakes new Guix users make, and I would like to go over some of the most common ones now. [Read More]
  • Why a blog?

    We already have many great (and sometimes not so great) blogs out there, what's the purpose of starting another one? [Read More]
  • My System Configuration

    This is an extended excerpt from my personal dotfiles, one which I think is worth a separate post. Here is a link to the full configuration for those interested https://raw.githack.com/lambdanil/emacs-stuff/main/README.html. [Read More]