We already have many great (and sometimes not so great) blogs out there, what's the purpose of starting another one?

Well, as cliché as it sounds - this one is mine.

It isn't so much about becoming a popular blogger (who could expect to become popular blogging about Emacs anyway?) as it is about expressing my ideas and beliefs and putting them out there for others to read.

I want to keep track of my thoughts, organize them and maybe produce something of value every now and then. Maybe some interesting discussions will spawn from this, or maybe I'll forever be the only person reading this blog. Either way it fulfills its goal as a writing outlet for my thoughts and ideas.

I'm sure I'll write many bad posts, ones I'll eventually look back at and have to wonder "what was I thinking?" but that's all part of the process, seeing my evolution as a writer, programmer and as a person above all.

In the end don't expect the most original blog, don't expect anything revolutionary or even anything necessarily good - look at this as a playground for my ideas, a place where I can put my stuff "on paper" and expose it to the outer world - however bland it may be.